Taking Control of Your Life

Do you find yourself living according to other people? Are you the type of person who struggles to say "no".  So whose life is this anyway? Think about it for a moment - you are the expert in your life and you are the best person to know what it is you want and need. Sometimes it can be really difficult to change our ways of 'doing' or 'being' because of how others perceive us or what they expect from us. 

Coaching can really help us to unwrite all those messages that we've taken on over the years and help us to find a new way to conduct ourselves or to live our life - these changes can be as small or as big as you need them to be - as the message suggests 'put yourself in the driving seat - its your car after all'.

©2023 Carole Parncutt

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My Location:

I work from private offices located in Pagham which is close to Bognor Regis and Chichester, West Sussex.

Contact Me:

Feel free to email me if you have any questions about how Coaching & Counselling works, or to arrange an initial appointment. You can also contact me or leave a message on: